Friday, March 18, 2011

Why this blog

Over the years I have spoken to many people who have questions about the Bible. I certainly don't know all the answers, but I've studied the Scriptures for nearly 40 years, and so I have probably asked questions similar to the ones you might have . . . and for the most part, I have found answers that satisfy me.

They might also satisfy you.

So, here is your opportunity to ask away. As busy as I am, I might not be able to respond very quickly to your questions, so please be patient. I will answer everyone.

Here's how to work this:

In the COMMENTS section below type the question you would like me to answer. Depending on how many questions come across in the comments section, I will answer them as quickly as I can in their own separate blog post. You can comment anonymously, or with your name. Your choice.

Or, email me at and I will post your question on this site. Let me know in the email if you want to be anonymous on this site.

Again, please be patient with me. I am quite busy with a multiple set of proverbial irons in the fire.

So, ask away.


  1. When John the Baptist meets Jesus to baptize him, Jn 1:29, he states and it certainly sounds like he does not know him. But they were related, were they not? John's mother, Elizabeth, is one of the first to acknowledge Mary as "the mother of my Lord", Luke 1:36,43. It seems like Mary and Elizabeth would have seen each other later with their boys. And wouldn't Elizabeth have told her son, John, about his relative, Jesus, and the circumstances of his birth?

  2. I've wondered that myself. And I came up with an answer that satisfies me. I will post it in a few days. Busy at the moment with work issues. Check back.

  3. Anonymous, see my answer posted on March 27.


  4. Regarding OT sacrifices: what was their purpose, really? And why did Solomon sacrifice 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep at the dedication of the temple? 1 Kings 8:62. How will people from the OT get to heaven, since they did not have Christ?

  5. Thanks for asking the questions, Anonymous. I will answer in a day or so. Stay tuned. :)

    Happy Palm Sunday to you and yours.

  6. Anonymous, I just posted my answer to your questions. See the post here:

